So, a couple of days ago I hosted a fundraiser at Ledo's Pizza! It was pretty nice, there wasn't anything too flashy, but we printed out a bunch of fliers and they stuck them on pizza boxes, and I handed some out at school, too.
That's my dad on the right, and if you look closely, you can see the flier on the door! |
We got there at about 5pm so we'd be able to greet anyone we knew who was coming for dinner, I have my backpack in the picture because alas, homework stops for almost nothing. Also because I wanted to bring my sketchbook and other art projects to work on in the meantime.
My Dad's current boss was already there with his family, so we sat near them and talked while waiting for food (Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures with them).
A little later, one of my Dad's previous bosses got there and joined us at the table behind ours.
Posing for pictures is an art that I have not yet perfected. |
After we'd been eating for a while (I ended up with the chicken tenders because hey, they're good), a couple of my Dad's old coworkers, one of my Mum's current ones, and also my Mum's aunt and her daughter showed up! We ended up sort of taking over that little section of the restaurant, and it was kind of fun sitting at all the different tables and talking with everyone.
Me with my mum's coworker, Suzanne. |
And then me with my great aunt and her daughter! |
Since we got there pretty early, we mostly chatted with everyone else once we were done eating, even though I had to take little breaks to work on homework and such. No one else I recognized showed up, which was fine (a lot of my friends told me they'd ordered at school the next day), and towards the end I got everyone's addresses so I'll be able to send them postcards and other cool things from Finland!
Things wound down at about 7:30, so once everyone else had gone, we headed back home. The manager said we'd find out how much we'd get on Monday, which is today, so hopefully it'll be in the mail!
So anyways, yeah! The fundraiser was a lot of fun, and to both Ledo's and everyone who came, paljon kiitoksia!