Sorry I haven't been posting recently! Things have been very hectic for me lately, and I haven't had much time or energy to write blog posts. I'll get into all that stuff at a later date, though, it's kinda complex and I want to wait until everything's settled down to explain it all.
Today was an interesting day, though! I got locked in one of the piano rooms at school and then skipped the last half of the school day to get my hair cut.
In music class, there was a guy there doing a presentation (I think he's in a marching band?), but since it was in Finnish, my teacher said that I didn't have to stay and could go into one of the other rooms and play piano for a while if I wanted. Obviously, I said yes, because I hadn't played almost at all in the past two months, and I'd been wanting to practice more anyways.
It was really fun and I played for about an hour and a half! I wasn't able to print out any of the new sheet music I wanted, but that was fine since I still have some of my older sheet music with me. Once I was done, though, I got up to leave and the door was locked! Even though it locks from the inside, it was jammed, and I couldn't open it, which frustrating for both obvious reasons and also because it was the class before lunch and it's always annoying when you miss part of lunch.
In the end I just ended up fiddling with the lock and knocking loudly on the door until one of the janitors let me out. It was a little annoying, but also kinda funny, so I didn't really mind.
And then after lunch my host mom picked me up and took me to go get my hair cut! I actually mentioned wanting to get it cut on Tuesday, I think, and I was planning to do it after school one day, but she scheduled one for me after lunch and so I ended up missing my last two classes! I think they were supposed to be geography and art, but that was fine by me. We're currently drawing the same vegetable over and over in art class with different art supplies, so it's not very exciting. Or entertaining. It's very boring, actually.
My hair turned out alright, though. I wanted to try a new style and it didn't really turn out quite like I wanted, but it still looks pretty good on me. I'm still a little displeased and weirded out whenever I walk past a mirror, but I think it's mostly because it's different than what I'm used to. Either way, it'll grow out, so it's fine. No pictures for now, though, sorry!
So yeah, that was the interesting stuff for today! Hopefully things will settle out soon and I can post again, but until then!
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